Vasundhara Raje

As Chief Minister

Vasundhara Raje's five-year term as Chief Minister was marked by a strong focus on infrastructure-building and social initiatives, but it was also noted for caste violence and rebellion by local leaders against Vasundhara's firm style of leadership.
As the Finance Minister, Raje was able to steer the state from a budget deficit into a budget surplus for the first time since the 1991-1992 budget, in accordance with the guidelines of the 12th Finance Commission. Rajasthan became self-sufficient in power generation, and massive road and canal-building projects were undertaken under her administration. She implemented a Tourism Unit Policy, intent on expanding upon Rajasthan's ability to cater to large numbers of tourists by increasing the number of accommodations available. She was also active in courting the IT (Information Technology industry) to open offices in the state, and oversaw the building of new schools and colleges. On the social front, Vasundhara introduced mid-day meal schemes for mothers, insurance schemes, transportation vouchers for girl students and skills training for workers.[1]
In 2007, she was awarded "Women Together Award", by the United Nations Organization, for efforts to assist women in self-empowerment.[2]